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Course Description

Delve into the history, regulations, management challenges and emerging techniques of producing commercial cannabis. All aspects of quality control will be discussed including strategies to comply with government regulations. You will explore production practices and discuss the application of current regulations to promote best practices in growing a quality product.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Interpret the Cannabis Act in terms of its overarching principles and explain the evolution of the act to its current state
  • Recall provisions of good production practices (GPP) as they relate to activities directly, and indirectly, associated with cannabis
  • Develop and critique standard operating procedures (SOPs) in relation to the maintenance of product quality and consistency
  • Identify applicable GPP and physical security compliance requirements that relate to the application process to obtain a cannabis licence
  • Distinguish testing requirements for each of the cannabis classes and recount the managerial obligations required to maintain a cannabis licence
  • Characterize what licence holders can expect from Health Canada inspections
  • Discuss how quality standards are used to maintain consistency in production and to protect the consumer
  • Dissect current events affecting the cannabis sector related to regulation and quality management
  • Interpret the actions required during a voluntary recall as well as the associated administrative monetary penalties quality management

Course Topics

  • Cannabis Legislation in Canada
  • Good Production Practices (GPP) General Provisions
  • Good Production Practices (GPP) for Processing Licences
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • Security
  • How to Become Licence Holder – Part 1
  • How to Become Licence Holder – Part 2
  • Cannabis Testing
  • Cannabis Licence Management
  • Processing, Packaging and Inspections
  • Voluntary Cannabis Recalls and Administrative Penalties
  • Evolving Opportunities and Constraints

Additional Requirements

  • This course is intended for adult learners who are at least 18 years of age.
  • You can expect to spend 8-12 hours per week to complete the course content, readings, activities, discussions and assignments.
  • Before registering in this course, we recommend you complete Cannabis Production (3101020), or another course on growing plants.

Cannabis Production and Cannabis Regulations and Quality Assurance complete an area of focus in Cannabis Production.


Assessment Item Weight
Assignments 50%
Quizzes 20%
Discussions 30%
Total 100%

Please note that the course assessment is subject to change.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Technical Requirements

You are responsible for ensuring that your computer system meets the necessary system requirements. Use the browser check tool to ensure your browser settings are compatible and up to date (results will be displayed in a new browser window).

*Course details are subject to change.

Enrol Now - Select a section to enrol in
Section Title
Cannabis Regulations and Quality Assurance
September 09, 2024 to December 01, 2024
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Horticulture Tuition $595.00
Potential Discount(s)
Section Notes

There are no textbooks required for this course.

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