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Learn all aspects of making cheese—from scientific to technological principles to unit operations and quality control. Attend ongoing master classes that focus on particular cheese varieties and techniques and expand your repertoire from the Ontario and Canadian cheese industry.

This comprehensive cheesemaking program is comprised of five required core courses, one face to face and 4 by distance education (DE). Each DE course is three weeks in length with two to three hours of independent work required each day. The face-to-face course is one-week long.

The condensed content and online course delivery provide working professionals and international students with the flexibility to complete the certification while continuing to work.

Additional Information

  • You can take the courses in any order and in any amount of time, there is no time limit to complete all courses
  • When you have completed all the requirements for this certificate, you can request your parchment through the OpenEd Student Portal.


Minimum Required

5 Course(s)

The Cheese Maker Certificate requires five (5) courses, one (1) course that is face-to-face, hands-on and four (4) courses that are by distance education (DE).
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