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Course Description

Colourful paper boats sitting in a line resembling leadership

This course will examine major themes and concepts related to school board administration across the province of Ontario. You will be introduced to various school board organizations and the related roles and responsibilities of business officials in the school board environment. Explore why, what, who and how each department contributes to and supports staff and student effectiveness, as well as the goals of the board. Research and ideas related to the impact of culture, conflict resolution and customer service within the school board environment will be studied. Application of the learning across these themes will be emphasized in each unit.

This course is designed for Ontario School Board environment professionals, including pupil transportation, who are seeking to heighten their skills and knowledge and build leadership capacity within the school board environment.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the factors that influence organizational structures of school boards across the province of Ontario
  • Examine the roles, responsibilities and relationships of business professionals within the school board environment
  • Analyze how the work of business departments directly supports and impacts on student success, staff effectiveness, and community confidence
  • Evaluate the impact of organizational culture on business operations in the school board environment
  • Apply strategies for conflict resolution within the school board environment
  • Propose customer service strategies that can enhance the effectiveness of business departments within the school board environment

Course Topics

  • Roles, Responsibilities and Organizational Structures in School Board Administration
  • The Impact of Corporate Departments on Student Achievement and Staff Effectiveness
  • The Importance of Culture on Corporate Department Effectiveness
  • Problem-Solving and Conflict Resolution Frameworks and Strategies
  • How to Build a Support Environment: Creating a Culture of Customer Service

Job Market Overview


Assessment Item Weight
Assignment 1: Report to Trustees   25%
Assignment 2: Analysis of a Multi-Issue Case Study  25%
Assignment 3: Great Customer Service  25%
Assignment 4: Discussion Participation  25%
Total 100%

Please note that the course assessment is subject to change.

Sponsoring Partner

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Technical Requirements

You are responsible for ensuring that your computer system meets the necessary system requirements. Use the browser check tool to ensure your browser settings are compatible and up to date (results will be displayed in a new browser window).

*Course details are subject to change.


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