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Course Description

Equine Journalism provides the necessary tools, techniques, and knowledge to help you develop compelling content suitable for publishing in both mainstream and equine journalism outlets. Publishers/editors seek writers and producers who can create superior content for a variety of audiences.   

This course has been designed as a journey that starts with understanding the media environment and its needs, developing a story idea through research, interviewing, and data analysis, writing and/or producing the piece, revising/editing, and finally pitching and negotiating a contract.  You will learn how to self-edit, understand contracts and copyright rules, and how to prepare a full multimedia package for your story. We’ll also talk about launching and running a freelance business and using your equine knowledge to position yourself as a columnist or expert. 

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Consider journalism ethics as it applies to the equine publishing industry and your role as a writer/producer of content and stories.
  • Apply best practices for research, data use and interviewing techniques to develop a compelling story idea.
  • Write or produce a piece (article, podcast or video) using storytelling techniques.
  • Revise and polish a piece (article, podcast or video) for publication with recognition and copyright requirements.
  • Recognize the different types of media platforms and develop your story idea to be delivered to audiences across multiple platforms.
  • Describe the importance of visual journalism in today's multimedia environment and produce original visual materials to complement your piece.
  • Identify different story pitching techniques and develop a professional pitch directed to a publisher.
  • Interact with publishers and interpret a contributor's contract.
  • Recognize the tenets of professionalism and apply them to your equine journalism career.

Course Topics

  • The Professional Equine Journalist
  • The Ethical Media Landscape
  • Content and Audience
  • Research and Reporting Methods
  • Interviewing Techniques
  • Storytelling in Equine Journalism
  • Storytelling in Equine Science Journalism
  • Visual Storytelling and Photojournalism
  • The Art of Revision
  • Finalizing and Marketing Your Project
  • The Business of Equine Journalism
  • Wrapping Up: The Future

Sample Careers

Equine Journalism is designed for anyone producing content in the equine industry and those interested in developing skills in storytelling, writing and digital communication (photography, video, podcasts) in the equine industry.

Additional Requirements

  • This course is intended for adult learners who are at least 18 years of age.
  • There are no prerequisites for this course.
  • You may take this as an individual course or choose to complete one of our equine certificates or the diploma.
  • You do not need access to a horse or facility to participate and be successful in this course.
  • You can expect to spend 6-10 hours per week to complete the course material, activities, discussions and assignments.


Assessment Item Weight
Participation and Discussion 20%
Critique 20%
Individual Project 50%
Showcase 10%
Total 100%

Please note that the course assessment is subject to change.

Sponsoring Partner

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Technical Requirements

You are responsible for ensuring that your computer system meets the necessary system requirements. Use the browser check tool to ensure your browser settings are compatible and up to date (results will be displayed in a new browser window).

*Course details are subject to change.

Enrol Now - Select a section to enrol in
Section Title
Equine Journalism
September 15, 2025 to December 07, 2025
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Equine Early Bird Tuition $549.00
Potential Discount(s)
Section Notes

Please review our Withdrawal, Transfer and Refund Policy under "Continuing Education Courses".

If you are new to online learning, we encourage you to visit our Online Learning at UofG resource page.

If you require assistance, please contact our main office.

In this course, you will be asked to take photographs, and having access to a camera is beneficial. You will be asked to access an equine trade journal which may be viewed online or require purchase from an online or local bookstore. Students are responsible for having the required textbook for this course. As a student, you have unlimited access to the University of Guelph library and an online textbook version. You may purchase the required textbook from a bookseller of your choice. Optional textbooks have been recommended by the instructor but are not required.

Section Materials
  • Textbook (Confirmed) (Mandatory) Feature and Magazine Writing: Action, Angle, and Anecdotes by Davide E. Sumner & Holly G. Miller © 2012 Wiley-Blackwell 3rd edition ISBN Print: 978-1-118-30513-3; eBook: 978-1-118-305140
  • Textbook (Confirmed) (Optional) The Elements of Journalism by Bill Dovach & Tom Rosentiel © 2021 Crown 4th edition ISBN ISBN: 9780593239353
  • Textbook (Confirmed) (Optional) Writing for Story by Johnathan Franklin © 1994 Plume ISBN 978-0452272958
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