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Course Description

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the scientific and technological principles of cheesemaking in this 4.5-day course. The course includes engaging presentations, hands-on practical exercises, and a thorough exploration of various cheesemaking techniques. 

Throughout the course, you have the opportunity to work in our provincially licensed pilot plant, where you will be guided in making 15 different varieties of cheese—including cheddar, feta, Camembert, ricotta, and Swiss, among others. These varieties are specifically chosen to illustrate a diverse range of technological families. Dr. Mary Ann Ferrer, the course instructor, presents complex chemical and technical concepts in an accessible manner that can be understood by everyone.

Our course is designed to cater to a diverse range of participants, including experienced cheesemakers, employees in the dairy industry, Government officials (e.g. regulatory inspectors), ingredient and equipment suppliers, chefs, and food enthusiasts. Whether you are a seasoned cheesemaker or a novice, this course requires no previous experience and offers an exceptional opportunity to learn and develop new skills.

Learning Outcomes

Our goal is that at the end of this course you will be able to review cheese making procedures, understand their technological bases, and adapt them for manufacture in your own facilities. More specifically, you will be able to:

  • Describe the different processes of milk preparation for cheese making, including the basics of cheese milk formulation
  • Gain a working knowledge of primary and secondary cultures and be able to intelligently discuss culture selection and applications for various cheeses
  • Obtain a working knowledge of the principles of milk coagulation, and of selection and use of coagulants and other cheese ingredients
  • Explain the objectives and technical parameters of each processing step in cheesemaking
  • Perform basic cheese yield calculations and explain the principal factors affecting cheese yield
  • Classify cheeses based on basic manufacturing technologies such as acid versus rennet coagulation
  • Make several types of cheese with an awareness of the technological considerations

Course Topics

  • Milk Quality, Chemistry, and Treatment
  • Ingredients in Cheese Making
  • Cheese Classification and Quality
  • Manufacturing, Ripening and Packaging
  • Yield and Process Control
  • Hands-On Cheese Making

Job Market Overview



Assessment Item Weight
Five quizzes (5%each)   25%
Three problem sets (25% each)   75%
Total 100%

Please note that the course assessment is subject to change.


Resource:  Cheese Education e-Book


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Technical Requirements

You are responsible for ensuring that your computer system meets the necessary system requirements. Use the browser check tool to ensure your browser settings are compatible and up to date (results will be displayed in a new browser window).

*Course details are subject to change.


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