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Course Description

Personal support workers (PSWs) work in many environments, and owning and operating a home care business (whether sole proprietor, partnership or brokerage) may be a desirable career path for some.

If you are contemplating running your own business, this course gives you all of the tools to make a decision about the type of business that will be most suitable for you. Upon completion, you will have your marketing material as well as a comprehensive business plan to get you started.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the benefits and challenges of being a small business owner and assess personal and professional readiness to start and operate a small business
  • Demonstrate professionalism and employ ethical practices necessary to build a successful PSW business
  • Identify legal and regulatory requirements and bodies that apply to operating a PSW business
  • Build a basic business plan to assist with acquiring funding for a PSW business
  • Critically evaluate knowledge and skills gaps related to operating a small business and create a plan for professional development

Course Topics

  • Benefits and Challenges of Being a Small Business Owner
  • Relevant Legislation and Best Practices for Establishing a Business
  • Legal Regulatory Requirements
  • Building a Basic Business Plan
  • Critical Self Evaluation: Conscious Competence and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

Additional Requirements

  • This course is intended for those working within the personal support worker field and for adult learners who are at least 18 years of age.
  • There are no pre-requisites for this course.
  • You can expect to spend 8 hours per week to complete the course content, readings, activities, and assignments.


Assessment Item Weight
Discussion  20%
Executive Summary 12.5%
Marketing Brochure 15%
Financial Plan 12.5%
SWOT Analysis & Business Plan 40%
Total 100%

Please note that the course assessment is subject to change.

Sponsoring Partners

Technical Requirements

You are responsible for ensuring that your computer system meets the necessary system requirements. Use the browser check tool to ensure your browser settings are compatible and up to date (results will be displayed in a new browser window).

*Course details are subject to change.


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